שרה אונגר זכרונה לברכה

שרה אונגר 1924-2012

ביום ראשון 16.12.12 הובאה למנוחת עולמים  שרה אונגר חברתנו.

כל ילדי שנות הארבעים והוריהם הכירו היטב את שרה שהגיעה לכפר כגננת מכפר סבא. 

שמורה לה זכות ראשונים. 

שרה הפכה לחברת שדה ורבורג עם נישואיה לאריק אונגר ז"ל

שרה הייתה עטופה כל שנותיה בכפר במשפחה חמה ואוהבת שטפלה בה עד יומה האחרון. 

ינעמו לך רגבי שדה ורבורג , שרה יקרה.

יהי זכרך ברוך.


שרה  אונגר ותמר לייכט הגננות – 1952

מכתבו של צביקה וגנר מדרום אפריקה  16.12.12 

הדפס הכל


הדפס הכלבחלון חדש








Dear Edna, Israel, Israel, grandchildren and grand grandchildren of Sara & Eric,


We are sad to hear about the death of Sara. She was like a family to us, all and a sister to my late mother. Without her Sde – Warburg is shrinking for me. I used to see her and enjoy her stories and was always fascinated by her. I could joke with her as if she is my age, and in many cases younger.


Did you know that our house next door to you was the one which brought her lots of happiness for years to come? She met blue eyes in the kindergarten which later became the bedroom of my parents. Blue eyes was your father Eric, who impressed the Kfar Saba girls when he came riding on his horse, to dance in Cafe Migdalor. It is there that the young girls of Kfar Saba saw bue eyes for the first time. When she started working in Sde Warburg, your father Eric found the courage to pay a visit to see the new Ganenet (Sara was 18 and the only kindergarten teachers in Sde-Warburg for years) all the boys from Sde-Warburg were talking about. From there on, it was love in the first sight, wedding and great children Israel & Edna.


She was always there for my mother. When the war started Eric told her to go and slip at my mother’s house, only to make sure that my mother is not alone.


When my parents moved to Sde Warburg, Sara and my mom used to share the one water tap that was located between the two properties (meshakim). My mother with her Pila on the one side and Sara with her Pila and washing on the other side. Washing and talking.


You and Israel took her to hospital when her heartbeat hit the sky 150 bits per minutes.  There was no one else to take her. Danny & Motka where gone and Ima Niusia was stubborn to stay. ZYou took her with love to the hospital and visited her until I arrived. Toda Sara and Israel, we are all grateful to you.


As you know I was a sailor, working on Cargo and passenger ships. I used to bring home cheese, many time stinking cheeze from France and food from Naples (Na-apolie in Italy). May parents used to share it with Eric and Sara. Once, we were on anchor at sea next to Tel Aviv. First to board the ship was the police and customs. I was on shift when they called me to the Purser’s cabin to see the customs. I was sure that they caught me smuggling something and now I am in big trouble. I entered the Pursers cabin and saw the customs’ officer. Are you Zvi Wagner – Yes I said shaking all over. Eric sends his regards he said. Erick was the chief of customs

in the Tel-Aviv and Lod at the time.  That was Eric – always thinking of us his own kids.


Sara, I miss you. I know that you kept your smile for me whenever I came, like a mother waiting for her son to come. You told me of your pain, but I have never seen you in pain, and you made it look so easy. The injection is taking the pain away you said, and you had to go regularly t get an injection. Israel & Edna were next to you at all time. I hope you did not suffer for long.


You did it right, and you did it your way. Surrounded with your own family like it should be for all, but very few are lucky to enjoy it. You were always proud and grateful for what Israel & Edna did for you, and you told me about it every year, as if I forgot it. Israel & Edna Toda, you did it for your mother and for your parents, and you can be proud of yourself. It may look like nothing for you, but very few children are doing it today for their parents. God bless you.


Sara, I just light a candle in memory of you and Erick, in memory of great people. Sde-Warburg lost today another giant, educator, mother and a good person.


To your children, grandchildren and son in-law Amihud I wish long life.


Zvi Wagner

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סיפורי ותיקים – ראיון עם שרה ואריק אונגר